Recommended Books

Disclaimer: The following books are recommended but not endorsed in their totality. Readers of these material should use wisdom and discernment and test everything by the Word of God. We hope this list of books is helpful to your spiritual formation but realize that every book and author has the potential for error.

"They Loved the Torah: What Yeshua's First Followers Really thought about the Law" by David Friedman, 2001 by Lederer Books.
"Studying the Torah: A Guide to In-Depth Interpretation" by Avigdor Bonchek, 1997, Jason Aronson Press.
"Our Father Abraham: Jewish Roots of the Christian Faith" by Marvin Wilson, 1989, Wm B. Eerdmans Publishing.
"The Promise-Plan of God: A Biblical Theology of the Old and New Testaments" by Walter Kaiser, 2008, Zondervan.
"Restoration: Returning the Torah to the Disciples of Jesus" by D. Thomas Lancaster, 2005, First Fruits of Zion.
"The Faith of the Outsider: Exclusion and Inclusion in the Biblical Story" by Frank Anthony Spina, 2005, Wm B. Eerdmans.
"The Bible Among the Myths" by John N. Oswalt, 2009, Zondervan Publishing.
"The Old Testament Documents: Are They Reliable and Relevant?" by Walter Kaiser, 2001, InterVarsity Press.
"Old Testament Ethics For the People of God" by Christopher J.H. Wright, 2004, InterVarsity Press.
"In the Shadow of the Temple: Jewish Influences on Early Christianity" by Oskar Skarsaune, 2002, InterVarsity Press
"Jesus the Jewish Theologian" by Brad Young, 1995, Hendrickson Publishing
"Paul the Jewish Theologian" by Brad Young, 1997, Hendrickson Publishing
"Biblical Literacy" by Rabbi Joseph Telushkin, 1997, Wm Morrow and Co. Publishing
"The Book of Jewish Values" by Rabbi Joseph Telushkin, 2000, Bell Tower Press (NY)
"Boundary Stones" by Aaron Eby, 2008, First Fruits of Zion Publishing
"Small Miracles of the Holocaust" by Halberstam/Leventhal, 2008, The Lyons Press
"It Wasn't How it Seemed" by Yehudis Samet, 2000, Shaar Press (Mesorah Publications)
"Happiness" by Rabbi Zelig Pliskin, 1999, Shaar Press (Mesorah Publications)
"The Majesty of God in the Old Testament" by Walter Kaiser, 2007, Baker Academic
"A Prayer to Our Father: Hebrew Origins of the Lord's Prayer" by Gordon/Johnson, 2009, Hilkiah Press
"Sitting At The Feet of Rabbi Jesus" by Spangler/Tverberg, 2009, Zondervan Publishing.
"God as Storyteller: Seeking Meaning in the Biblical Narrative" by John Beck, 2008, Chalice Press.
"The Lost World of Genesis One: Ancient Cosmology and the Origins Debate" by John Walton, Intervarsity Press Academic.
"Recovering the Unity of the Bible" by Walter Kaiser, 2009, Zondervan Publishing.
"Ancient Egypt and the Old Testament" by John Currid, 1997, Baker Book House.
"The Torah as Story: An Apprenticeship on the Pentateuch" by Gary Edward Schnittjer, 2006, Zondervan Publishing.
"A Year Through the Torah: A Journey for Christians" by John J. Parsons, 2008, Hebrew Heart Publications.
"Genesis 1-4: A Linguistic, Literary, and Theological Commentary" by C. John Collins, 2006, P and R Publishing.
"Invitation to Biblical Hebrew: A Beginning Grammar" by Russell T. Fuller, 2006, Kregel Academic and Professional.
"This is the Torah" by Alfred J. Kolatch, 1988, Jonathan David Publishers
"Celebrating the Law?: Rethinking Old Testament Ethics", by Hetty Lalleman, 2004, Paternoster Press.
"Israel and the Church: The Origin and Effects of Replacement Theology", by Ronald E. Diprose, 2000, Paternoster Press.
"An Eye for an Eye: The Place of Old Testament Ethics Today", by Christopher J.H. Wright, 1993, InterVarsity Press.
"Walking in the Ways of the Lord: The Ethical Authority of the Old Testament", by Christopher J.H. Wright, 1995, InterVarsity Press.
"Let Justice Roll Down: The Old Testament Ethics, and Christian Life", by Bruce C. Birch, 1991, Westminster/John Knox Press.
"Narrative Art in the Bible" by Shimon Bar-Efrat, 1979, Sheffield Academic Press.
"The Art of Biblical Poetry" by Robert Alter, 1985, Basic Books of Harper Collins Publishing.
"The Art of Biblical Narrative" by Robert Alter, 1981, Basic Books of the Perseus Book Group.
"The World of Biblical Literature" by Robert Alter, 1992, Basic Books of Harper Collins Publishing.
"Out of Order: Homosexuality in the Bible and the Ancient Near East" by Donald J. Wold, 1998, Baker Book Publishing.
"Covenant: God's Purpose, God's Plan" by John H. Walton, 1994, Zondervan Publishing.
"Persia and the Bible" by Edwin Yamauchi, 1990, Baker Book House.
"Old Testament Theology: Israel's Gospel" by John Goldingay, 2003, InterVarsity Press.
"Who's Afraid of the O.T. God?" by Alden Thompson, 1989, Zondervan Publishing.
"The Irony of Galatians" by Mark Nanos, 2002, Augsburg Fortress Press.
"Chronicle of the Old Testament Kings" by John Rogerson, 1999, Thames and Hudson Publishing.
"The Friendship of the Lord: An Old Testament Spirituality" by Deryck Sheriffs, 1996, Paternoster Press.
"The Way of Wisdom: Essays in Honor of Bruce Waltke" by J.I. Packer/Sven Soderlund, 2000, Zondervan Publishing House.
"The Apostolic Preaching of the Cross" by Leon Morris, 1955, Eerdmans Publishing Company.
"Shalom: The Bible's Word for Salvation, Justice, and Peace" by Perry Yoder, 1987, Faith and Life Press.
"The Nine Commandments" by David Noel Freedman, 2000, Doubleday Publishers.
"Jesus Through Middle Eastern Eyes" by Kenneth Bailey, 2008, InterVarsity Press.
"From Exegesis to Exposition: A Practical Guide to Using Biblical Hebrew" by Robert Chisholm, 1998, Baker Book House.
"Old Testament Textual Criticism" by Ellis Brotzman, 1994, Baker Book House.
"What do Jewish People Think about Jesus?" by Michael Brown, 2007, Chosen Books.
"A Guide to Biblical Hebrew Syntax" by Bill Arnold and John Choi, 2003, Cambridge University Press.
"Williams Hebrew Syntax--Third Edition" by Ronald J. Williams, 2007, University of Toronto Press.
"Introduction to Biblical Hebrew Syntax" by Bruce Waltke and M. O'Connor, 1990, Eisenbrauns.
"Preaching Christ from Genesis" by Sidney Greidanus, 2007, Eerdmans Publishing Company.
"The Meaning of the Dead Sea Scrolls" by James Vanderkam and Peter Flint, 2002, Harper San Francisco.
"What the Rabbis know about the Messiah" by Rachmeil Frydland, 1991, Messianic Publishing Company.
"A Rabbi's Search for Messiah" by Rabbi Isidor Zwirn, 2003, Tyndale House Publishing.
"Rabbis who found the Messiah", 2004, by Good News for Israel Publishing.
"Essene Book of Everyday Virtues:Spiritual Wisdom from the Dead Sea Scrolls" by Kenneth Hanson, 2000. by Council Oak Books.
"Old Testament Words" by Mary Donovan Turner, 2003, Chalice Press.
"The One Who is to Come" by Joseph Fitzmyer, 2007, Eerdmans Publishing Company.
"Making Wise the Simple: The Torah in Christian Faith and Practice" by Johanna W. H. Van Wijk-Bos, 2005, Eerdmans Publishing Company.
"Lisening to the Language of the Bible" by Lois Tverberg/Bruce Okkema, 2004, En-Gedi Resource Center.
"Hebrew Talk: 101 Hebrew Roots and the Stories They Tell" by Joseph Lowin, 2004, EKS Publishing Company.
"Christianity and Rabbinic Judaism: A Parallel History of their Origins and Early Development" by Hershel Shanks (editor), 1992, Biblical Archaeology Society.
"The Oracles of God: The Old Testament Canon" by Andrew Steinmann, 1999, Concordia Academic Press.
"From Sabbath to Sunday" by Samuele Bacchiocchi, 2000, Biblical Perspectives Publishing.
"The Old Testament: The Significance of Jesus" by Fredrick Holmgren, 1999, Eerdmans Publishing Company.
"Creation: A Witness to the Wonder of God" by Mark Futato, 2000, P and R Publishing.
"Transformed by Praise: The Purpose and Message of the Psalms" by Mark Futato, 2002, P and R Publishing.
"Hasidic Tales of the Holocaust" by Yaffa Eliach, 1982, Vintage Books (New York).
"The Sabbath" by Abraham Joshua Heschel, 1951, Farrar, Strause, and Giroux.
"A History of Israel" by Walter Kaiser, 1998, Broadman and Holman Publishing.
"Marriage as a Covenant" by Gordon Hugenberger, 1994, Baker Book House.
"The Laws of Clean and Unclean Animals is Leviticus 11" by Jiri Moskala, 2000, Adventist Theological Society Publications.